What Is Hypnosis?

What is hypnosis – definition – how does it work and what does it do in our everyday life? I am repeatedly asked what hypnosis is and how does it work? It’s not that easy to explain. Hypnosis very often takes place unnoticed in our everyday lives, usually so unspectacular that we are not aware of it.

We spend up to 70% of our everyday life in this state we are so familiar with. This is often the reason why we don’t feel so different in a hypnosis session. Because this state is already so familiar to us. We know it, we live it, automatically. For years I have been working successfully with hypnosis at Hypnosecenter Wil and recently also at Hypnosecenter Frauenfeld – Hypnose Frauenfeld – Hypnose Thurgau. And people keep asking: definition – what is hypnosis?

There are many different definitions of hypnosis, what it is. Every school, every teacher sometimes has their own definitions of what hypnosis is.

In this video the hypnotist, a good colleague of mine, shows very clearly how fine and fluid the boundaries between consciousness and subconscious are. Where does consciousness end, where does subconsciousness begin?

Hypnosis takes place everywhere in everyday life: whenever we focus on something and hide the rest, we slide into this wonderful state, also called trance. Quite simply, quite unnoticed and sometimes much easier than we imagine. Even written words can captivate us, take us in, we dive into the pictures and stories. Almost on our own we get feelings, positive as well as perhaps negative ones….how often are we in our thoughts while we are doing a job, doing sports or e.g. driving a car?

When I accompany someone into hypnosis I feel it like a dance, on the one hand between hypnotherapist and client and between consciousness and subconscious.

The consciousness, on the one hand, as the adult part of us that occupies about 5% of our being and the subconscious, the childlike part of us that concerns about 95%. Both parts are more or less always present in our lives.

As you can see, it is always a change between the adult and the childlike me, and that is what makes hypnosis/hypnosis therapy so exciting.

How often do we react emotionally unwise in everyday life? Or do we feel overwhelmed or blocked in a situation without reason? We have all possibilities to release all resources already in us around our blockades. And that is the beauty of hypnosis: it releases these strengths, these resources in us, so that we can work creatively on our problems and blockades. To gain quality of life and joie de vivre and to become ourselves again to a certain extent, who we actually are or should be.

Definition Hypnosis

There are very many different and different definitions of hypnosis. One of them is by Dave Elman and is described like this: Bypassing the critical factor and establishing selective thinking. It is one of many. Today hypnosis can be visualized by PET tomography. The research of hypnosis is far from finished and very interesting, especially for me who works with it every day. I myself not only take part in hypnosis sessions, but also participate in experiments to learn more about it.

I use the Dave Elman Hypnosis methods exclusively in my practice, including the Dave Elman Induction, these methods are characterized by an extremely pleasant approach for the client and a gentle introduction to hypnosis. Even though I mainly work with Dave Elman’s methods, my years of experience and training in the field of hypnosis and hypnotherapy make me very flexible when it comes to applying the different techniques.

Hypnosis therapy Healing hypnosis, clinical healing hypnosis

Hypnotherapy is a direction of psychotherapy where the aim is to put the body and mind in a state of relaxation so that the different forms of perception can be “shut down” and the client can “concentrate” on certain areas.

Hypnotherapy – has nothing to do with show

“You get tired, your eyes get heavy…” Many people imagine the beginning of hypnosis in this or a similar way. The “show hypnosis” that is widespread in many people’s minds has not much to do with the actual hypnosis therapy and is strictly rejected by most therapists. But what is actually happening and what should it do?

The basic assumption is that we are constantly surrounded by many different stimuli in our normal waking state. Hearing, nose, eyes, tactile senses, etc., constantly provide a wealth of impressions that have to be processed. It is sometimes very difficult to concentrate on a single thing. In addition, people build up many patterns of experience and behaviour over the course of their lives. I.e. if a known situation occurs, the person concerned will classify the known pattern, open the corresponding “thinking” drawer and then act exactly as he or she is accustomed to. And most of it is subconscious.